Brain Picker
Vehicle of Mass Instruction
Meet the vehicle you can ride through procrastination. Bonus: It’s fueled by brain farts.
The Psychologist’s Hoop Skirt
From the mind of an upper cruster on the internet
Working on It
Today I’m trying to get something accomplished. What it is—as the song goes—ain’t exactly clear.
Clutter Butt, Clutter Butt, Pickles & Pie
I thought quitting smoking would make me the healthiest I’d ever been. But …
Quarantine, Day 29
Two years of therapy and a world in chaos is all it took for me and my sister Jen to realize that “routine” and “self-care” aren’t four-letter words. I wish I could say the same for my mother. In three years of pre-virus stay-at-home workdays, tooth-brushing and showers were rarely present in my life. Now … Read moreQuarantine, Day 29
Procrastination Machine
I’m supposed to be doing several things right now … none of which are blogging.
Every Now & Then, Bright Eyes
So folks who happened on this blog in the long, deep float through the interweb abyss, here are my claims for 2020 …
Coming Unglued
As an American, do I have the right to the pursuit of unhappiness?